"Through God's Love and Power, SUMBC identifies and fulfill the spiritual and physical needs of our church membership and the surrounding community. We are dedicated to bringing men, women, and children into the family of God and helping them become disciples of Jesus Christ ."
Through our many ministries, we are nurturing the spiritual, educational and cultural development of our flock, and all who enter our doors. Our existing auxiliaries have been upgraded and new ones organized to provide more opportunities for all who wish to serve on God's program. Willing workers are welcome to join any of the following ministries:
AV Media Ministry
The Audiovisual Ministry was created to provide audiovisual support to all worship services and special events such as workshops, training programs, etc. held at SUMBC. Some of the specific duties include: Broadcasting live worship services and other programs in the sanctuary via the internet;
Recording audio and video during regular church services and other special meetings, as appropriate.
CDs are available for all Sunday services and programs. CDs and DVD's will be available for purchase from our online store shortly.
Bus Ministry
Provides transportation to / from church functions.
Nurse Ministry
The mission of our nurses allows the hospitality of our Church to become a part of us. Our Christian love helps people to let down their guard, open their hearts, and relax their minds for the worship of God and direction of His Holy Spirit.
Ushers Ministry
The mission of our ushers allows the hospitality of our Church to become a part of us. Our Christian love helps people to let down their guard, open their hearts, and relax their minds for the worship of God and direction of His Holy Spirit. The purpose of our ushers is to serve the Lord Jesus, through service we render to humanity. Show love, understanding and compassion with everyone. Learn to be efficient, but not at the expense of kindness.
There is a need for aggressive pursuit of a definite biblical based program for the Church. The whole body of the Church of Jesus Christ is included in unselfish reaching out for the lost. Soul winning is only for those who are true Christians themselves. No one can win others to Christ who has not known the breath-taking joy and liberty of salvation himself. God has reserved this high and holy work for those whom He has already pardoned and cleansed. He could have given this happy task to others, for instance to angels. But no, only the blood-bought and blood cleansed ones are chosen to carry the good news.
Food Pantry Ministry
Our community continues to face very difficult financial circumstances, and many are unable to provide for the needs of their families. Our Food Bank Ministry is in need of volunteers to help with serving guests, stocking shelves, and bagging food. The food staples are stocked entirely by donation. The Food Pantry welcomes donations of food at all times.
K.U.B.S. Ministry
This ministry is designed to keep up with new members who join the SUMBC fellowship. The K.U.B.S. Ministry makes contact with new members by phone, personal contact or by letter monthly to discuss any needs / concerns the member may have.
Trustee's Board Ministry
The trustees serve as the lead auxiliary while working in concert with the deacons to keep in good repair and properly manage all properties of the Church. Any member observing Church property in disrepair or in need of attention, should immediately contact on of the trustee’s and report their findings.
Missionary Auxiliary
"We are dedicated to bringing men, women & children into the family of God. Our focus is developing disciples for Christ and equipping the Saints for service in the Church. We seek to identify the Spiritual and Physical needs of our church family and the surrounding community and we seek to meet those needs with the Love of God and the Power of His Holy Spirit.”
Deacon Ministry
The deacons are the only ordained body of the Church, specifically authorized to be Servants of the Church (Acts 6: 3-7, I Timothy 3).
The tasks of the deacons include serving with the pastor in performing pastoral ministries, proclaiming the Gospel, care of the church membership, to lead the church in worship, fellowship, witnessing, and to look out for the general welfare of the Church. Deacons are servants of the Church in accordance with the meaning and practice of the New Testament.
To be a deacon, you must be married and be a good provider and leader for your wife and children. Those who have served well will gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ. (I Timothy 3:12,13).
Financial Ministry
Mission: To provide a Bible-based and practical financial education to the SUMBC family and community. Our goal is to reach out to as many families as we can to spread the word of hope and abundance. We are dedicated to teaching and coaching individuals and families so they can make informed, Bible-based financial lifestyle changes.
Greeter's Ministry
Ready to Serve: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples. "If ye have love one to another" John 13:35
Objective: To serve our Guests, Members, Pastor and friends before, during and after services.
Mission Statement: To set the atmosphere of a warm-hearted and loving church
Purpose: To let God use this ministry as a vessel to render a smile, handshake or a laugh and to let our light so shine that men can see it and glorify our Lord.
SUMBC Music & Choir Ministry
Our Music Ministry Goals
To spread the Gospel through song. To create an atmosphere in the Church body that is receptive to hearing and receiving God's word.